Trausteknik Projects
At Trausteknik, I have developed, maintained, and extended client-focused solutions that streamline their business processes. These solutions primarily used Salesforce but also incorporated other technologies.Black and White Waiters
I have been pivotal in maintaining and extending the Salesforce-based solutions used throughout Black and White Waiters daily. These solutions provide an efficient interface for each type of user on the system.
More specifically, while working with the relevant stakeholders and as part of a team, I have been able to:
- Respond to changing requirements by extending their rich LWC interfaces so management can efficiently coordinate staff rostering.
- Extend and maintain the mobile user interface used by lower-level staff so that they can work well as a team.
- Implement browser-based image resizing for efficient use of images without user interaction.
- Maintaining, extending and improving the web interface for Black and White Waiter’s customers.
Social Futures
I have been crucial in developing solutions at Social Futures to produce compliant output that reduces duplication of effort. I have also maintained solutions that ensure the safety of staff. To deliver these solutions, I have had to utilise my problem-solving skills to resolve both the limitations of the Salesforce platform and integration challenges. I have had to evaluate Salesforce’s abilities to determine the most effective technology to deliver the solution.
I was part of a team that delivered a solution for collecting and packaging welfare data into XML format for submission to a government department. My role was developing a form interface that allowed the user to generate the required XML accurately. However, over time, the volume of data grew, and I needed to refactor how the solution worked to fit within Salesforce’s limitations.
I was pivotal during the development of a feature to simplify the collection and presentation of “Outcome Star” data. I explored various technologies for creating an “Outcome Star” image for inclusion in a Visualforce PDF. However, I determined that the most effective approach involved a separate server dynamically generating the image. The Salesforce’s PDF generator requested this image by passing the data as parameters.
While maintaining an SMS-based check-in system, I used my problem-solving skills to increase the system's reliability and, therefore, staff safety. I used my troubleshooting skills to re-create a problem to discover the issue. The issue was that the SMS integration provided incorrect metadata on the SMS if the receiver of the SMS replied to it immediately. Because of the nature of the system, I recognised that waiting to reply to the message was an unacceptable solution despite its technical validity. Therefore, I developed a fix to identify when this occurred and provide the correct behaviour. The client has confirmed that the instances of incorrect behaviour have stopped, leading to a safe and more reliable check-in system for their staff.
I have been a key developer in developing and maintaining solutions that increase DirectIT staff efficiency.
In communication with key stakeholders, and as the primary developer on the team, I developed an effective interactive interface for management to assign jobs to workers and monitor key metrics. I combined the interface with an interface on each job to efficiently track the workers’ attention to their task. This reduced the time needed by management and workers to manually record and audit their time.
I have also worked on other improvements in DirectIT’s Salesforce system to improve system efficiency. My improvements also exposed metrics so that management could quickly and clearly understand their business performance.
Australian Computer Society (ACS)
I worked as part of a team to maintain the MySFIA tool that is part of the ACS website. My work involved understanding and troubleshooting a non-trivial codebase to ensure the tool continued functioning for all users.
The Growth Faculty
I worked to maintain and extend The Growth Faculty’s Salesforce system and their PHP-based website, which was integrated with Salesforce as a database. Because of my efforts as part of a team, The Growth Faculty could react to the changing nature of the types of events they offered.
I have developed some valuable solutions for internal use at Trausteknik. These solutions have provided extra information and time savings to multiple members of the Trausteknik team.
One solution I developed that demonstrated my problem-solving and integration development skills is importing a Google Doc into Salesforce. The Google Doc can have images and diagrams and needs to be imported into Salesforce’s rich-text fields for integration into a Visualforce PDF. While initially, I built a solution with Salesforce doing the entire interaction with the Google Docs API, the lack of an HTML parser destroyed the data consistency and integrity. Thus, I developed and integrated a separate service to provide the needed functionality. The working solution has saved time for other team members who would otherwise spend additional time reformatting documents and increased team cohesion as the preferences for how documents were developed reduced in significance.
I developed a calendar displaying the number of hours worked in the month. While initially meant for my consumption, other team members deemed the feature valuable enough to be integrated into the company system.